A little direction and some props are we're ready to go.
Looks like there's an emergency requiring help from the local fire department.
Paramedics are standing by.
Quick, evacuate the wounded!
Life-saving measures are being administered.
The play was a success and...
everyone takes a bow.
Next on the agenda is a flight on Aloha Airlines.
G-ma is welcomed to the islands.
In these islands, it's a must to do the limbo.
Auburn, Abbey Dillan, Emily, Melina, Mike and Neil.
A note to our nephew, Chad, who is on a mission for our church in Las Vegas.
Camp G-ma MUST include some swimming in the lake.
Neil and Mike take the plunge.
Papa and Dillan enjoying the lake.
Emily and Melina are contemplating the drop.
Finally....everybody's in.
A little dress-up for a finale.